Why Is Love Important? Discover the Core of Humanity

Why Is Love Important? Discover the Core of Humanity

Explore Why Is Love Important? Discover the Core of Humanity and unlock the secrets of what makes us truly human.

Outline: Why Is Love Important?

1. Introduction

   - The overlooked need for love in our lives

   - Societal emphasis on attracting love versus the power of loving others

2. Biological Imperative of Love

   - The innate drive to love and care for others

   - Examples of parental sacrifice

3. Love as a Motivator

   - The drive to work and endure hardships for loved ones

   - Sacrifices made out of love

4. The True Meaning of Love

   - Definitions and philosophical insights

   - Distinguishing between wanting and cherishing

5. Love in Action

   - John Oxenham's perspective on love

   - Practical examples of love's impact on daily life

6. Love and Society

   - Love's role in societal cohesion

   - Examples of love in professions like law enforcement and emergency services

7. Heroism and Love

   - Love as the foundation of heroic acts

   - Thomas à Kempis' view on love's strength

8. Love as Kindness

   - Mother Teresa as an embodiment of love

   - Robert Louis Stevenson’s thoughts on love and kindness

9. The Purpose of Love

   - Frank Tebbets' view on a life without love

   - How love gives life meaning and purpose

10. Conclusion

    - Recap of love’s importance in our lives

    - Final thoughts on embracing love for a fulfilling life

Why Is Love Important?


So often, we spend most of our time taking care of our physical needs. We make sure our bodies are fed, cleaned, clothed, exercised, and rested. Intellectual stimulation and entertainment also take priority. Yet, we overlook the most important need—love. Society, through popular media, places great emphasis on attracting "love." But being loved is not as powerful an emotional need as the desire to love someone else.

Biological Imperative of Love

The need to love and care for others is built into us biologically. This need allows parents to forgo sleep, food, and sanity while raising their children. The biological imperative to nurture and protect others is what drives us to selfless acts of care and concern. This inherent drive ensures the survival and thriving of the human species, highlighting love's foundational role in our lives.

Love as a Motivator

Loving others allows us to put their needs and desires before our own. We will work harder and longer, sometimes at jobs we loathe, to provide for those we love. We tolerate otherwise intolerable conditions to care for our loved ones, whether they are young or old. Love motivates us to endure hardships and overcome obstacles that we might otherwise avoid.

The True Meaning of Love

Love means to cherish, hold dear, and treasure. We do not hurt, harm, or cause pain to those we love; rather, we seek to relieve their suffering. It is not about wanting people; it's about wanting people to be happy. It's not about possessing or controlling others; it's about setting them free. John Oxenham described love this way: "Love ever gives. Forgives, outlives. And ever stands with open hands. And while it lives, it gives. For this are love's prerogatives - to give, and give, and give."

Love in Action

Love is the grease that allows the wheel of life to continue turning. When we love, we look beyond ourselves, beyond our needs and desires. We sacrifice our time, energy, wishes, and sometimes even ourselves because of love. Whether for an intimate group or a larger community, love drives us to act selflessly. This daily enactment of love can be seen in the simplest gestures of kindness and the grandest acts of sacrifice.

Love and Society

Love is what makes human society work on both a small and a large scale. It allows law enforcement and emergency services personnel to face danger. It drives soldiers to risk everything. Love fosters social cohesion, enabling communities to thrive even in adversity. It is the unspoken force behind countless acts of courage and solidarity.

Heroism and Love

Love makes heroes every day in every corner of the world. Thomas à Kempis said: "Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength... It is therefore able to undertake all things, and it completes many things and warrants them to take effect, where he who does not love would faint and lie down." Love emboldens individuals to surpass their limits and achieve feats of remarkable bravery.

Love as Kindness

The ultimate definition of love is not about feeling good but rather about doing good. A perfect example of love in action is Mother Teresa, who worked tirelessly on behalf of others. Her life exemplified the essence of love as kindness. Robert Louis Stevenson aptly stated, "The essence of love is kindness." This kindness permeates our actions and interactions, fostering a more compassionate world.

The Purpose of Love

Love is important because, without it, life has no meaning or purpose. Frank Tebbets said, "A life without love in it is like a heap of ashes upon a deserted hearth, with the fire dead, the laughter stilled and the light extinguished." Love allows us to be more and do more than we could ever accomplish without its power. It infuses our lives with significance, driving us to pursue goodness and joy.


In conclusion, love is the cornerstone of a fulfilling life. It motivates us to care for others, endure hardships, and perform acts of kindness. Love fosters societal cohesion and inspires heroism. It gives our lives purpose and meaning, transforming ordinary existence into a journey of profound connection and joy. Embracing love allows us to live more fully and richly, making the world a better place for ourselves and others.

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